1. Staff Psychologist – No current openings.
We seek a Staff Psychologist with a NY license. This is a full-time clinical position with tremendous growth opportunity. The ideal candidate is already well-versed in CBT with children and/or adolescents and has some demonstrated subspecialty interests. Preference will be given to those with prior experience in our current subspecialty areas, early childhood disruptive behaviors and selective mutism and the other child anxiety disorders. Prior experience with Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) is a definite plus but not a requirement. However, a growth-minded openness to developing new areas of practice is most important.
This is a clinical position along with some teaching and supervision responsibilities with our post-doctoral fellows, graduate externs, and undergraduates. We currently have one midtown Manhattan office. Our offices are well-resourced with two parent-child one-way mirror suites with state-of-the-science video recording technology to facilitate high quality supervision, research, and development of tapes for in-house and other teaching opportunities. We are working both in-person and remotely.
Our Practice: Kurtz Psychology’s motto is Changing Interactions One At A Time, reflecting our deep commitment to using behaviorally-grounded therapies, in a developmentally-sensitive way, with parents as the key agents of change helping their children develop improved coping skills and social-emotional functioning. We see predominantly, but by no means exclusively, fairly young patients. Our primary foci to date have been children with disruptive behavior disorders (DBDs), most often diagnosed with ADHD and ODD, and children with complex, multiple anxiety disorders, with an empirically-supported protocol developed by Dr. Kurtz for children with selective mutism. Dr. Kurtz is one of only 21 Certified Global Trainers of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT), a gold standard treatment for young children with DBDs. We provide out-patient care as well as conducting intensive out-patient treatments in our offices and in the home communities of our patients, nationally and internationally.
Training & Professional Development: Kurtz Psychology invests heavily in training the next generation of clinicians. We host externs from NY/NJ psychology doctoral programs as well as Post-Doctoral Fellows, drawing candidates from across the nation. We are heavily committed to a growth mindset approach and to our own ongoing professional development; we subsidize attendance at annual conferences (e.g., ABCT, ADAA, SMA, PCIT) as well as subsidizing other professional development experiences, e.g., attending the IOCDF BTTI. Our training program includes an internationally-recognized Lunch ‘n’ Learn webinar series that offers APA CEs for attendance live or virtually. We conduct a high rate of co-therapy experiences pairing our senior therapists with trainees.
Dr. Kurtz holds a Diplomate in Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies from the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP) and is proud to serve as an ABPP Mentor and often volunteers to Chair ABPP exams. We expect all clinicians on our team to pursue the ABPP and provide financial support and incentives for the attainment of the Diplomate. We encourage and expect the successful candidate for this position to be committed to involvement in our national organizations and to take on leadership positions as appropriate. Dr. Kurtz currently chairs the CE Task Force for PCIT and is a Board Member of the Selective Mutism Association.
Research: Kurtz Psychology engages an independent IRB to foster in-house research. To date, we have conducted contemporaneous and retrospective research on our clinical programs, and in 2018-2019 are embarking on our first experimental, randomized trials testing hypotheses about parent training and the moderating effect of treating anxiogenic parenting, as well as investigating innovations to improve homework completion of parents in our various therapies. All members of our team – psychologists and trainees – routinely present at national conferences, and typically with multiple presenters collaborating.
Clinical work: All staff psychologists at Kurtz Psychology carry a clinical caseload. We proudly boast the lowest required clinical load in the metropolitan NY area among similar practices in order to foster a healthy work-life balance and to truly support our dedicated time to program development and training. The successful candidate will have prior demonstrated expertise in one or both of our current primary areas, either DBDs or anxiety disorders. We welcome the expansion into new, other areas with which the candidate may have expertise. It is our explicit goal to foster clinical program development by providing the necessary resources and a healthy, collaborative sounding board for intellectual and scholarly pursuits where we can demonstrate empirical support.
Qualifications: The Staff Psychologist position requires a doctorate in psychology and current NY licensure to commence the position. The doctoral program must have been APA-approved, in either clinical, school, health, community or a combination of these. Both PhD and PsyD applications are welcomed. The candidate must already have demonstrated expertise in behavior therapy or CBT, and considerable experience working with children in a family context. Prior experience in PCIT or other empirically-supported PMTs and/or expertise treating SM, social anxiety, and OCD are certainly preferred but by no means required.
Our clientele: We are a private pay practice and do not participate in any health insurance panels. We also proudly offer a very high rate of discounted care, especially for our intensive programs. Our externs allow us to serve a great number of families with limited financial means. We enjoy active partnerships with agencies that serve low-income families such as Lawyers for Children.
Compensation & Benefits: Salary will be commensurate with prior demonstrated experience. Benefits include three weeks paid vacation, as well as sick and personal days and at least seven paid holidays. Health insurance premiums are subsidized and offered at three levels; our current insurance with United Healthcare/Oxford with no referrals required and no exclusion for pre-existing conditions. Employer sponsored retirement plan, after one year of employment is offered as well. Malpractice insurance premium is fully paid by the Employer.
Employer also subsidizes travel and attendance at national conferences each year and pays dues for the Staff Psychologist membership in two organizations annually.
Application procedure: Please submit a CV and detailed letter of intent to start the process by email to skurtz@kurtzpsychology.com. Please also have two reference letters submitted directly to Dr. Kurtz. The position remains open until filled. All inquiries will be kept strictly confidential.
2. Administrative Coordinator – Not currently accepting applicants
This is a full-time position as the Administrative Coordinator of a group clinical psychology private practice specializing in the assessment and treatment of children and adolescents with a variety of presenting problems, including but not limited to selective mutism, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), social anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and oppositional defiant disorder. The position serves as the main administrative support for Dr. Steven Kurtz and all team members in the practice and works closely with the Administrative Coordinator of Special Projects.
- Bachelor’s degree (preferably in Psychology)
- Ability to multi-task independently across various projects and duties
- Ability to consistently meet deadlines in a fast-paced environment
- Ability to problem solve in a proactive manner
- Basic math skills and understanding of financial concepts
- Courteous manner and experience in customer support
- Documented history of successfully collaborating with others in team efforts
- Comfort with Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Outlook)
- Proficiency with office technology and equipment, including computers, printers, copiers, and scanners
Preferred skills:
- Conflict resolution skills
- Ability to think critically and produce creative approaches to problem solving
- Strong time-management abilities with the ability to prioritize tasks
- Excellent communication skills (both oral and written)
- Open to and embracing constructive feedback to grow within the position and to prepare for a career in mental health
Job Responsibilities:
- Perform phone intakes for prospective clients (gathering basic information regarding client demographics and presenting issues and effectively communicating intake process, treatment options, and financials)
- Greeting and directing patients and visitors
- Maintaining rapport and communication with patients (including scheduling, appointment conflicts, etc.)
- Billing (including management of patient billing and third-party vendors)
- Budget management (knowledge and oversight of practice spending)
- Managing clinicians’ schedules (including patient appointments, trainings, conferences, and additional outside commitments)
- Preparation of meeting agendas and reporting of practice data (including expenses, patient inquiries, and other management-level reports)
- Organization and management of patient data
- Maintenance of office supplies (purchasing office supplies and equipment and maintaining proper stock levels)
- Communication with school districts, professional communities, and third-party vendors
- Supervision of undergraduate interns in administrative duties: delegating tasks and ensuring that they are completed in accordance with existing policies and procedures
- New Employee orientation (including onboarding of both paid and unpaid employees)
- Maintaining currency of Policies & Procedure manual
- Disseminating information to all clinicians and staff members throughout the practice
- Timely and efficient upkeep of all functions related to record keeping, patient records, patient onboarding, and all functions related to our Electronic Medical Record
- Assist clinical directors in the planning and coordination of intensive behavioral treatment programs
- Overseeing general office operation to ensure the office operate smoothly and efficiently (ensuring that office is well-maintained and organized)
- Maintaining physical and digital employee records
- Assist in preparation of clinician’s sessions (collecting appropriate paperwork, room preparation, etc.)
- Coordinate enrollment and training for Camp CAPSTONE, a one-month camp for young children with behavioral problems
Salary and Benefits:
- Full-time salaried position (W-2); Competitive salary commensurate with prior experience
- Subsidized health insurance (currently through Oxford United Healthcare)
- 3 weeks paid vacation
- 7-9 paid holidays
- Compensatory pay or time off for any required weekend or holiday work on special programs
- 5 sick days
- Most prior individuals in this position have successfully submitted to present at national conferences and all have gained entrance to graduate programs of their choice
Application procedure:
- Send resume and cover letter to training@kurtzpsychology.com.
- Have two (2) letters of reference sent from professionals who supervised you who can best speak to the qualities and attributes listed above in the Requirements section.
- Send paper you have written on a psychology topic with preference given to APA styled papers
3. Administrative Coordinator of Special Projects Not currently accepting applicants
This is a full-time position as the Administrative Coordinator of Special Projects for a group clinical psychology private practice specializing in the assessment and treatment of children and adolescents with a variety of presenting problems, including but not limited to selective mutism, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), social anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and oppositional defiant disorder. The position serves as the main administrative coordinator of the various special projects the practice is involved with including our intensive camp programs for children with anxiety disorders, e.g., selective mutism, and externalizing, and disruptive behaviors, e.g., Capstone, our work with Parent-Child Interaction Therapy International, organizing their CE efforts, and more. The position requires a two year commitment and all persons who have held this post have successfully transferred to full-time graduate study in psychology or mental health.
- Bachelor’s degree (preferably in Psychology)
- Ability to multi-task independently across various projects and duties
- Ability to consistently meet deadlines in a fast-paced environment
- Ability to problem solve in a proactive manner
- Basic math skills and understanding of financial concepts
- Courteous manner and experience in customer support
- Documented history of successfully collaborating with others in team efforts
- Comfort with Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Outlook)
- Proficiency with office technology and equipment, including computers, printers, copiers, and scanners
Preferred skills:
- Conflict resolution skills
- Ability to think critically and produce creative approaches to problem solving
- Strong time-management abilities with the ability to prioritize tasks
- Excellent communication skills (both oral and written)
- Open to and embracing constructive feedback to grow within the position and to prepare for a career in mental health
Job Responsibilities
Selective Mutism Program Manager
- Respond to all inquiries received about our selective mutism intensive treatment programs: Mighty Mouth Kids
- Coordinate times for families to speak with the clinicians
- Coordinate eligibility screening appointments
- Guide families through the intake and registration process
- Coordinate interviews for counselors and mentors and collate all needed materials
- Organize counselor and mentor schedules for camps
- Oversee integrity of data input for participating families
- Organize all camp activities
- Gather/ create all needed materials/ worksheets for camp
- Collect all necessary materials from families before camp begins
- Organize lead-in schedules for kids and mentors
- Organize parent training schedules
- Manage contacts with external camp locations and vendors
- Coordinate follow up calls with families
- Update all marketing Information, including website status
- Collect and organize data at different time points during and after camps
- Manage task completion with undergraduate interns for anything they were assigned by the clinical staff
- Oversee data entry for research
PCIT International Administrative Assistant
- Coordinate monthly calls with Master Trainers
- Coordinate call schedule
- Coordinate note taker schedule
- Collate any questions received
- Keep track of Continuing Education credits earned from the monthly calls
- Administrator for Continuing Education Task Force
- Work directly with Dr. Kurtz, the Task Force Chair
- Coordinate monthly Task Force Calls
- Prepare agenda
- Prepare meeting minutes
- Follow through on any agenda items
- Send any CE event applications to reviewers and track progress
- Review post-training materials and create certificates for all completed CE events
- Prepare annual reports for APA to continue PCIT International status as CE provider
- Respond to CE questions received through email
Program Coordinator for Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) Training Program
- Prepare training binders for annual trainings
- Prepare materials for weekly PCIT clinical conference meetings
- Oversee registration for training participants
Webinar/Lunch ‘n’ Learn Seminar
- Serve as producer for live stream and on-demand webcasts of weekly learning seminar
- Assist Dr. Kurtz on the technology end of the webinars using our Adobe Connect platform
- Prepare and distribute PowerPoints, PDFs, and other learning materials for presenters
- Coordinate contact with outside presenters
- Coordinate Continuing Education credits
Special Projects
- Assist Dr. Kurtz’s involvement with national professional organizations
- Assist with conference presentations
- Kurtz Psychology Consulting staff present at several annual conferences
- Assist with special projects and new business development
Salary and Benefits
- Full-time salaried position (W-2); Salary commensurate with prior experience
- Benefits
- 3 weeks paid vacation
- 7-9 paid holidays
- 5 sick days
- Compensatory pay or time off for any required weekend or holiday work on special programs
- Attendance at PCIT Biennial Conventions
- Professional Development and Mentoring
- 100% successful placement rate into graduate study for prior Administrative Coordinators to psychology doctoral and social work programs, as well as into Columbia Post-Bac program for the non-psychology major
- All prior individuals in similar positions have successfully submitted to present at regional and national conferences
Application procedure:
- Send resume and cover letter to training@kurtzpsychology.com.
- Have two (2) letters of reference sent from professionals who supervised you who can best speak to the qualities and attributes listed above in the Requirements section.
- Send paper you have written on a psychology topic with preference given to APA styled papers