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PCIT-SM Certified Therapists

The therapists listed below are certified specialists in Parent-Child Interaction Therapy Adapted for Selective Mutism (PCIT-SM). In addition to rigorous study of the theory and methods, they have each demonstrated through direct observations of their clinical work with real patients that they provide the treatment with expertise and high fidelity to the original PCIT-SM model. Please note: there is a separate and distinct Certification process for the traditional PCIT used to treat disruptive behaviors. Visit for more information on PCIT for disruptive behaviors.

Those marked with * are approved as Within Agency Trainers, to train other therapists in the PCIT-SM model within their agencies or practices. Those marked with ** are approved as Regional Trainers to train other therapists in their states, regions, or country without the need for translation.

Some therapists are licensed in multiple states. Please check with them for specifics to see if they are licensed in your state.

* These individuals are approved as Within Agency Trainers.

** These individual are approved as Regional Trainers.

PCIT-SM Certified Therapists | Kurtz Psychology