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Selective Mutism Resources

Click on image above to view the video.

Click on image above to download the research article on the Mighty Mouth SM camp model.

Click on image above to download the research article on PCIT-SM.

Click on image above to download the chapter on PCIT-SM in the PCIT Handbook.

Click on image above to download the article on Dr. Kurtz’s SM treatment models.

Click on image above to download the article.

Click on image above to view video discussing Medications for SM: They Shouldn’t Have To Work So Hard

Click on image above to download the Q&A handout on medications in the treatment of SM.

Click on image above to view a short animated video that demonstrates how one adult, maybe a parent or a therapist, fades-in a new person such as a teacher into the talking circle of a child with SM.

HIGHLIGHTED VIDEO – Medications as Part of an SM Treatment Plan: Who? What? When? Why? How? How Long? Dr. Steven Kurtz presented this free webinar for the Selective Mutism Association to help families start a conversation with their treating providers about adding medicine to the treatment plan. He goes into great detail about who you would do this for, when, under what circumstances and if you did, what the process is like. The goal is to help kids rid themselves of the burden that SM presents when it holds them back from being who they really are.

Dr. Kurtz developed novel approaches to treating SM that are now used by many groups and individuals around the world. This model has been tested and evaluatedd by independent research groups at the Florida International University and Children’s Hospital of British Columbia. Click on the image to the left to read the first peer-reviewed journal article testing the intensive group camp model.


PCIT International produced this training video Parent-Child Interaction Therapy Adapted for SM which provides the theory and actual treatment techniques developed by Dr. Kurtz and now used worldwide for treating SM.  Professionals can earn CEUs for taking this course.

In 2015, we launched a free, online e-course for parents, teachers, and therapists who are  new to SM to learn exactly what we do and why. This free course has video examples of doing our techniques correctly and incorrectly, learning quizzes for you to see if you are getting the concepts correctly, and other helpful information for working with youngsters with SM.

Click on any of the links below to download audios, videos, articles, handouts, and PowerPoints for your free and unlimited use. If you share them with others, we ask only that you give proper credit to us for the source of the information – Kurtz Psychology Consulting PC – and provide our website for further contact:

Dr. Kurtz’s 2014 lecture They Shouldn’t Have to Work So Hard: The Appropriate Role of Medication in the Treatment of SM can be viewed as a video. Thanks to Dr. Carmen Lynas in Chicago for hosting this event.

Dr. Kurtz’s co-authored 2014 journal article on Parent-Child Interaction Therapy Adapted for SM.  This article describes several really interesting adaptations of PCIT for young children with anxiety issues.

Audiotape of Dr. Kurtz overviewing Treatment of SM for the Anxiety & Depression Disorders Association. This is a short audio interview about some of the most popular and frequently asked questions in a FAQ format.

Dr. Annie Simpson’s phenomenal video recorded for Anxiety BC in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.  Dr. Simpson does a wonderful job overviewing how SM develops, how to assess it, and how to best treat it. This has been viewed over 6,000 times!

Link to SMA Bookstore where you can purchase books and treatment manuals on SM.

SM Camps and treatment programs that Dr. Kurtz and his team have trained and endorses include Adventure Camp in Chicago, Brave Bunch Camp at Boston University and Florida International University, BC Children’s Hospital in Vancouver, Cornerstone Psychology in Vancouver, BC, Dr. Ortega’s SM camp in Hong Kong, Mighty Mouth Kids Camp at OUHSC in Oklahoma City, Mighty Mouth Kids Camp at Sutcliffe Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics in Los Altos, CA, and Mighty Mouth Kids Camp in Seattle at the EBTCS, as well as the programs at the NYU Child Study Center and the Child Mind Institute, where Dr. Kurtz established the programs.

Click on image above to download or view the PDF of the PowerPoint presentation.

Click on image above to watch this short award-winning research poster on the Selective Mutism University, which has now served more than 10,000 parents, therapists, educators, and allies of children and families facing selective mutism.

Disclosure: This research was investigator-initiated and self-funded and also approved by an independent IRB [Solutions IRB].

Selective Mutism Resources | Kurtz Psychology